in step with

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in step with

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:42:10

in step with基本解释

与 ... 一致; 与 ... 协调


  • 单语例句
  • 双语例句

1. It is necessary for the government to step up its efforts in working with the business sector to narrow the wealth gap in Hong Kong.

2. The energy declaration in Cebu was perhaps a first step forward for the nascent grouping, with ambitious plans ahead.

3. The system will help keep local governments in step with the central government, which is " resolutely committed " to energy conservation and emission control.

4. Some departments are put in charge of affairs with high complexity, each step of which demands real professional management.

5. At least the first step in mapping the water area has been taken with the recent unveiled maritime navigation chart.

6. In their following step, the suspects logged online with the QQ password to cheat the original user's friends online.

7. Once the government begins granting privileges, bureaucrats will likely step in and choke the life out of businesses with red tape.

8. Local authorities also say they will step up efforts to clamp down on unlicensed taxis, which are competing with licensed ones in the suburbs.

9. He recalled how she would fumble with the clasp and how his father would step in to help.

10. It's a cliche in sports to say how a race starts with the first step.

1. The multi-step renaming feature allows multiple renaming steps to be combined to deal with complex renaming jobs in a single operation.

2. Secondly, a kind of multi-agent based combat model is proposed. A kind of framework of the multi-agent based combat model is proposed, which is composed of the combat environment model, combat agent, and combat model parameters. A kind of the combat environment model is proposed, in which the combat space and the combat environment parameters are defined to describe the spacial traits of the combat units and combat environment, and the influence of those combat environment factors on the action of the combat units. A kind of combat agent model is proposed, which is composed of properties and behaviour model. The spacial properties, physical properties and quality properties are defined to describe the abilities and state of combat units. The behaviour models of reconnaissance, maneuverability, attack, communication and adaption are established to describe the interaction between combat units. And several meta rules of those action are given. A kind of knowledge representation based method is proposed to give a formalization description to the combat enity model, which makes it more convenient to translate the combat agent from the concept model to the simulation model. The modeling process of the multi-agent based combat model is discussed, and the main task of every step is ascertained. A kind of simulation strategy is proposed, which gives the combat agents a random sequence at every simulation step, to dispose those concurrent events with single processor and single thread.

3. The U. S. government aware of this matter later, and sent a named police officer went to the findings of Lyon, Lyon, go there after, they found where the town's residents have been infected may not know it was Lyon who infected long - looks like to do, a result, he went to an ordinary house to ask whether, Lyon just a question of circumstances, to see him behind and in front suddenly have a lot of strange people coming forward themselves, Lyon suddenly felt wrong, This to General Telephone, can be more surprising thing is even here, there is no signal, step by step, those who went to the Lyon, This is a woman, just get behind a motorcycle Chuang broken glass, Lyon mobile phone signal in here, Lyon immediately raised his cell phone and asked how it is one thing, the headquarters said: This is the city's residents have been infected with, and you must immediately destroy them, otherwise the virus will spread to the United States lead to disastrous consequences in various cities, Lyon has just a cell phone down and immediately picked up the pistol with the woman escaped with the tight encirclement half an hour later, they finally died Lyon is very pleased to this woman asked: What's your name and that name woman said: My name is Clayton Er, I have come to me brotherCosta Rica, and your brother What's your name called Chris Lyon asked she said.

4. The first step ranges from 250 to 380 ℃ with a weight loss of about 3%, resulting from the denaturalization and decomposition of organic matter in the powder; and the second step from 600 to 780℃ with a weight loss of about...
第一阶段在 2 5 0~380℃,失重率约 3 %,此为有机质变性与分解阶段;第二阶段在 6 0 0~ 780℃,失重率约为 40 %,为碳酸钙的分解阶段。

5. in step with

5. In the bulk simulated acid rain solution with pH value 2.4--3.8, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of zinc consists of a capacitive loop in high frequency and an inductive loop in low frequency, the control step for corrosion of zinc is charge transfer process.

6. With high-quality products, excellent service, we have established throughout the country's marketing network, Lai Billiton brand step by step in the clinical testing industry people.

7. China has taken another step towards internationalising its currency and reducing reliance on the US dollar with the announcement of new rules to allow select companies to invoice and settle trade transactions in renminbi.

8. in step with

8. It is said that the functi on of No.1 gene is correlative with memor y. After the No.2 antisense was injected, BALB/c strain experimental group sho wed obvious decrease in numbers of step-across and standing-up in open field behavi or test compared with control groups.

9. The control system of auto adjusting load is built, the system can work for manifold test mode with twelve step load adjustment. The Test Stand consummate the condition in research of electronic governor of diesel engine equipment.

10. in step with的翻译

10. In many applications with non-metallic substrates, this step is essential.

11. Theoretical analysis and experimental results indicate that reaction of zinc with selenide as fully as possible under H2-O2 flame at about 1500℃ is the key step in the synthesis process and prolonging holding time at high temperature, which makes the diffuse reaction adequately take place, is favourable to obtain stoichiometry ZnSe polycrystalline.

12. The history of shanghai isn't very long, but opens a wharf from 1843 and became her 5, medium the west blend of cultural special features. the newly arisen financial stock certificate, futures of shanghai trade, the establishment of national sex markets such as foreign exchange and technique etc., established shanghai as a national resources allocation the position of the center, also sped shanghai in the meantime economy and nations is in line with of step. in october, 2001, the apec meeting holds in shanghai, conduct and actions in shanghai new century international economy, finance, the trade a position of the center already initial establishment!

13. At the foot of the snowy mountains, our Russian-style villas are surrounded by a jujube orchard behind, bamboos beside and redleaf cherry plums in front of their windows. Once you enter the villas made of deals that are 20cm in diameter, you smell faint scent from the deals. You sit in the soft couches with your intimates or loved ones; sip coffee or black tea; chat while smiling; talk about your life; or sit on a step made of deals and read a book. At such a moment, you want nothing but the very moment.

14. Simon son of Zhuzhao guo an Seoul who led his troops in battle Shu-chuan, kung granted with the Road Houseba du 1000010000; An Zhu Seoul Sun, cherry step son of Lu led his troops in battle together Sichuan, Yunnan, granted Yigong Daru House 10000 Yunnan red flowers.

15. In Team Race you can see venturi's with a step.

16. At last using dimethylamine tosylate and sodium salt of trifluoromethanesulfinic acid and sulfinic chloride to replce trifluoromethylsulfenyl chloride used in traditional method reacted with 5-amino-3-cyano-1-(2, 6-dichlorine-4-trifiuoromethylbenzyl)pyrazole in one step to obtain 5-amino-3-cyano-1-(2, 6-dichlorine-4-trifluoromethylbenzyl)-4-trifluoromethylsulfinyl -pyrazole.

17. In regards to the last Grand Slam of the season, Rafa said that he was happy with his preparation, It's another step.


18. Five hours later, Wang will get along with several other more than six months ago in Sichuan, Henan membership bid farewell to the workers, each step of the journey home.

19. China -- east the good prospect that alliance free-trade area builds and practical step, make in the Guangxi of borderland becomes China to open to the outside world very quickly with connection east the forward position of alliance area, construction of extensive ferrous road and river of billows dark blue one Mekong second area cooperates advance make again this kind of foreground is becoming actual; extensive bead triangle (of 9+2) build what be Guangxi and harbor of another name for Guangdong Province again to use created good condition with development, will accelerate pace of internationalization of two provinces area and resource advantage change.

20. The results show that the penetration ratio decreases with increase of filtration velocity, the range of the most penetrating particle size is in the range of 0.15~0.20 μm, the effect of aerosol concentration on the filtration efficiency is ignore for monodisperse, the filtration efficiency of each step on multilayer is different from others for polydisperse.
研究结果表明:用玻璃纤维膜过滤清除气溶胶团粒时,对粒径在 0 15~ 0 。2 0 μm之间的团粒较难清除;透过率随流速的增加而增加;单分散气溶胶团粒浓度变化对过滤效率的影响可忽略不计;多级过滤时,各单级过滤效率差异受多分散气溶胶的影响较大。

  • 临近词
Roosevelt presented his new program cautiously during the early months of 1937 in step with changing circumstances.(1937年头几个月,罗斯福随着环境的变化谨慎地提出他的新计划。)
Demand for cosmetic surgery in China is booming in step with the growing pressure to look perfect.(由于越来越多的人迫切希望拥有完美的外表,中国整容手术的需求也在迅速增长。)
The changes of wills aren't absolutely in step with the changes of their external social and cultural environments.(主体意志的变化与其所处的外部社会文化环境的变化并非绝对同步的。)
Given the eagerness of British and Germany to stay in step with France, I had no difficulty conceding Paris a leadership role.(鉴于英国和德国希望与法国保持步调一致,要我承认巴黎的领导作用并无困难。)
There have been a number of movements in the constable's pay which have kept broadly in step with average industrial earnings.(与产业工人平均收入大体保持一致的警察工资有过多次变动。)
The worker's wage rises should be in step with inflation.(工人们工资的增长跟上通货膨胀。)
As he wrote himself: "the language marches in step with the executioners."(他写道:“语言与刽子手并肩前行。”)
In the West, the march of obesity is in step with other social developments.(在西方,肥胖的发展和其他社会的发展是同时进行的。)
But he was never quite in step with the new Russia.(但他仍旧没有和新的俄罗斯同步前进。)
This is in step with the global process of the guidance to the humane value.(这一阐释与建立一个有人文价值导向的全球化的过程完全合拍。)
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